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2024.07--至今   许昌学院  食品与药学院/食品科学与工程系 教学与科研工作

2020.09--2024.06 南昌大学  食品科学与工程(工学博士,硕博连读)

2022.05--2024.01 日本九州大学 国家公派联合培养博士生

2018.09--2020.07 南昌大学 发酵工程(工学硕士)

2014.09--2018.07 许昌学院 食品科学与工程(工学学士)


1. 蛋白质与酶工程:酶的异源表达及其构象解析;酶的定向改造及其应用;功能性油脂生物合成系统的构建、工艺优化与应用。

2. 食源性致病菌的生物防治:噬菌体及其内溶素的制备、表征及其抗菌作用机制与应用研究。


1. 2025年度河南省高等学校重点科研项目“多脂肪酶PDA纳米系统的构建及在酯交换中的应用与机制研究”,项目批准号25B550016。主持

2. 2021年国家自然科学基金项目“三月桂酸甘油酯对肥胖大鼠体内脂代谢的影响及作用机制”,项目批准号32060516。参与

3. 2019-2021年食品科学及技术国家重点实验室目标导向项目“基于复合功能菌高效利用的农副产品功能活性研究”,合同编号SKLF-ZZA-201910。参与

4. 2018年国家自然科学基金项目“中碳链脂肪酸单甘油酯靶向作用外膜磷脂酶A抑制大肠杆菌生长的机制研究”,项目批准号31701651。参与


1. Junxin Zhao, Maomao Ma, Zheling Zeng*, Dongman Wan, Xianghui Yan, Jiaheng Xia, Ping Yu, Deming Gong. Production, purification, properties and current perspectives for modification and application of microbial lipases. Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology, 2024, 54(8), 1001-1016.

2. Junxin Zhao, Yunzhi Lin, Chen Wang, Ping Yu, Maomao Ma, Deming Gong, Yoshimitsu Masuda, Ken-ichi Honjoh, Takahisa Miyamoto*, Zheling Zeng*. Biocontrol of Salmonella Typhimurium in milk, lettuce, raw pork meat and ready-to-eat steamed-chicken breast by using a novel bacteriophage with broad host range. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2023, 402: 110295.

3. Junxin Zhao, Maomao Ma, Zheling Zeng*, Dongman Wan, Xianghui Yan, Jiaheng Xia, Ping Yu, Deming Gong. Effects of mutating the alanine residue in the consensus pentapeptide on biochemical and structural characteristics of Bacillus licheniformis lipase. Food Biotechnology, 2023, 37, NO. 3, 280-300.

4. Junxin Zhao, Maomao Ma, Xianghui Yan, Guohua Zhang, Jiaheng Xia, Zheling Zeng*, Ping Yu, Qiang Deng, Deming Gong. Green synthesis of polydopamine functionalized magnetic mesoporous biochar for lipase immobilization and its application in interesterification for novel structured lipids production. Food Chemistry, 379 (2022) 132148.

5. Junxin Zhao, Maomao Ma, Xianghui Yan, Dongman Wan, Zheling Zeng*, Ping Yu, Deming Gong. Expression and characterization of a novel lipase from Bacillus licheniformis NCU CS-5 for application in enhancing fatty acids flavor release for low-fat cheese. Food Chemistry, 368 (2022) 130868.

6. Junxin Zhao, Maomao Ma, Xianghui Yan, Dongman Wan, Zheling Zeng*, Ping Yu, Deming Gong. Immobilization of lipase on β-cyclodextrin grafted and aminopropyl-functionalized chitosan/Fe3O4 magnetic nanocomposites: An innovative approach to fruity flavor esters esterification. Food Chemistry, 366 (2022) 130616.

7. Junxin Zhao, Maomao Ma, Xianghui Yan, Ding Cheng, Dongman Wan, Zheling Zeng*, Ping Yu, Deming Gong. Characterization of a novel lipase from Bacillus licheniformis NCU CS-5 for applications in detergent industry and biodegradation of 2,4-D butyl ester. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 176: 126-136.

8. Junxin Zhao, Maomao Ma, Zheling Zeng*, Ping Yu, Deming Gong. Antibacterial activity and action mechanism of microencapsulated dodecyl gallate with methyl-β-cyclodextrin. Food Control, 2020, 109: 106953.

9. Junxin Zhao, Maomao Ma, Zheling Zeng, Ping Yu*, Deming Gong. Production, purification and biochemical characterisation of a novel lipase from a newly identified lipolytic bacterium Staphylococcus caprae NCU S6. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, 2020, 36, NO. 1, 248-256.

10. 曾哲灵,赵钧馨,曾诚,马毛毛,余平,万冬满。一株表达脂肪酶的地衣芽孢杆菌及其发酵产酶方法,专利号:202011244303.X,申请日:2020.11.10

11. 曾哲灵,赵钧馨,曾诚,罗丹,余平,万冬满。一种表达脂肪酶的山羊葡萄球菌株NCU S6,专利号:202010594015.0,申请日:2020.06.28


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